⚫ onetsetsani zachilengedwe zosiyanasiyana
ndi konkriti ...
It is not enough to take some feel good measures such as naturalizing small sections of rivers or designating land that has very little other use. We need to assign / buy up land to form green corridors from low altitude to high altitude, from south to north - e.g. to facilitate the migration of species in the face of the loosing battle against climate change - etc.
⚫ kutengera sayansi
osati ndale ...
It should be a win-win scenario. More land assigned to wild nature for the benefit of all species including humans.
Dishing out money based on political favoritism or towards projects that are already financed or that really do not make sense should not occur.
It is already clear that most scientists are of the opinion that we are not doing enough to save biodiversity. However they may not all agree on the exact plan of action. It would make sense to put the resources into various different type of projects. One such project is building small lakes with islands to give the birds a change to return and breed.
It is not a question of being seen to do something but really saving those plants and animals.
⚫ ndi kudzipereka
2% of GDP...
Mayiko ena ali ndi cholinga chofuna kugwiritsa ntchito 2% ya chuma chawo cha National Income (Gross Domestic Product) podziteteza. Kuteteza zachilengedwe zachilengedwe ndizosafunikira. Tikufuna 2% ya GDP pakukonza ndi kuteteza zachilengedwe.
Sitingakwanitse kudikirira, kotero dongosolo liyenera kukhala lachangu, m'malo mongochulukitsa pang'onopang'ono ndalama zochulukirapo zaka x.
Kuti muwerenge kukwaniritsa 2% iyi, ikuyenera kukhala polojekiti yovomerezeka osati yozitengera pandale, monga tafotokozera pamwambapa.