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जैविक विविधताको दृष्टि, लोप होइन

जैविक विविधताको दृष्टि

ग्रहको जैविक विविधतालाई तपाईंको मद्दत चाहिन्छ!

ग्रहको जैविक विविधता (बिरुवाहरू, जनावरहरू, अन्य जीवन स्वरूपहरू, र बासस्थानहरूको प्रकार र संख्या) स्थानीय र विश्वव्यापी रूपमा घट्दै गएको छ र त्यति मात्र होइन, तीव्र पतन पनि हुँदै गइरहेको छ। धेरै प्रजातिहरू मर्दै छन्; यो प्रति दिन 50-150 अनुमान गरिएको छ। जस्तै बाँदर, चराचुरुङ्गी, पुतली, बोटबिरुवा र सम्पूर्ण इकोसिस्टमका प्रजातिहरू सदाका लागि लोप हुँदैछन्। हानि र धम्कीपूर्ण क्षतिको सरासर परिमाण अचम्मलाग्दो छ।

जैविक विविधताको हानि मानिसको कार्य र निष्क्रियताको परिणाम हो। हामी यसलाई हाम्रो पुस्ताको विरासत हुन दिन सक्दैनौं कि हामीले यो हुन दियौं ?

Close-up portrait of a secretary bird - Sagittarius serpentarius

सँगै हामी निष्क्रियता रोक्न सक्छौं!

हामीसँग एउटा योजना छ (तल हेर्नुहोस्) सरकारहरूलाई वास्तवमै सामूहिक विलुप्त हुने विषयलाई सम्बोधन गर्न। यद्यपि यो काम गर्नको लागि प्रकृतिलाई तपाईंको सहयोगको सख्त आवश्यकता छ

तपाईलको केहि न्यूनतम समय मात्र आवश्यक यसले तपाइँलाई केहि खर्च गर्दैन वा तपाइँको तर्फबाट थप प्रयासको आवश्यकता पर्दैन! (दान र स्वयंसेवा वैकल्पिक छन्)

जैविक विविधता दृष्टि अभियानले राजनीतिज्ञहरूलाई वैज्ञानिकहरूले जैविकविविधताका लागि आवश्यक पर्ने कुराहरू गर्न आह्वान गर्दछ।

  • जैविक विविधता भिजन अभियानमा सामेल भए, तपाईंको आवाज गणना हुन्छ

  • तर त्यहाँ नरोकिनुहोस्, हामीलाई यो भाइरल बनाउन मद्दत गर्नुहोस् (कृपया हाम्रो पृष्ठहरूमा जानुहोस् र सकेसम्म धेरै व्यक्तिहरू सामेल गर्नुहोस्)

Our biodiversity vision plan is clear:

Click on the little arrows ˅ below and to the right of each point for more details

ensure biodiversity

through a global campaign for the enhancement of biodiversity... (Read more)

We demand a massive effort for biodiversity protection by governments. Land to be assigned or bought to form green corridors to facilitate the migration of species from low to high altitude and from south to north across continents; to ensure the survival of various organisms. Many different large and small projects should be initiated that will lead to the enhancement and protection of biodiversity, targeting both habitats and species.

spreading and promoting the scientific consensus

to the general public and with their support engage governments to act... (Read more)

We have not met any scientist in any discipline that believes that we are doing enough to protect biodiversity. Even though there are many good projects, scientists are of the opinion that we are doing way too little. However the general public does not seem to be fully aware what a clear and present danger this is to our planet and therefore there is very little public pressure on politicians to massively step up biodiversity conservation.

We see our task as being three pronged:

  • To give the scientists a common voice for even though they believe strongly that not enough is being done about biodiversity, they are not exactly shouting their heads off about it.

  • To encourage politicians to make biodiversity a campaign issue.

  • To get the general public to appreciate this issue and demand action by the politicians. A grass root approach.

Politicians need to see biodiversity as a critical topic no matter where they stand on the political spectrum, reinforced by calls from the general public and scientists. This is a necessary precursor to taking the extensive measures that saving the planet’s ecosystems entails.

Red-eyed tree frog hanging out of a fresh banana leaf

building up to extensive measures

without which the mass loss of species would continue... (Read more)

Biodiversity Vision will motivate governments to set aside substantial funds to enhance and protect biodiversity. What has been done so far is too little: the dramatic mass extinction of species is even accelerating, same as the loss of threatened habitats. Over a third of all amphibian species world wide are threatened by extinction. Insect populations are dwindling worldwide at an unprecedented speed, leaving many other species higher in the food chain in grave danger of extinction. These are just two indicators of an ongoing worldwide massive loss of species. This decline has to be stopped! Our grand goal is that governments worldwide assign 2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for biodiversity protection and enhancement measures*. We owe it to our future generations to preserve the Earth’s biodiversity. This is of utmost importance because nature and biodiversity form the very basis of our own existence. And what is more, a world without all those species and interesting habitats is unimaginably sad and boring.

*By comparison, many nations use 2% on defense. Defending biodiversity is at least as important!

We need your and other people's support:

To build a global campaign that will get politicians to take measures to protect biodiversity beyond the current superficial level.

If you have still to join please scroll back up and submit your email and encourage others to join our campaign. The URL to our site is www.biodiversity.vision or https://www.biodiversity.vision You can cut and paste that link into your social media or communication apps or use the share via links in the footer below.

Very rare Walia ibex, Capra walia, one of the rarest ibex in world. Only about 500 individuals survived in Simien Mountains in Northern Ethiopia, Africa

You can also:

Funny Portrait. Giraffe with beautiful spotted skin and small horns african savannah. Jeep Safari Masai Mara, Kenya. The concept of active, environmental and photo tourism

Still not convinced?

Check out our Biodiversity Extinction page , our motivation, our overview and our frequently asked questions page which gives a plain explanation as to what makes us different and how we propose funds should be spent, etc and please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

By way of our education initiative we would like to highlight some student videos see here and the video below

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