Biodiversity refers to the number and variety of species that we have globally as well as locally. This includes animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and algae.
Due to mans actions this biodiversity is declining rapidly across the globe, so much so that one might consider it as a mass extinction event. The most famous mass extinction event was when the dinosaurs died out. It might be argued that biodiversity will eventually recover in one form or another just like it did after the extinction of the dinosaurs, but this might take a very long time and possibly not before the human species itself has become extinct.
We owe it to our future generations to put a halt to this rapid decline in biodiversity. A world without biodiversity is boring and may even threaten our own existence. It can be argued that the Coronavirus Covid19 Pandemic is a result of our ever increasing infringement on nature.
Currently there is a rapid decline in most life forms. Habitat that takes a long time to recover is being lost. The diversity of birds, fish, butterfly's and other insects is rapidly declining. The same can be said for the the diversity of plants and various animals, including primates and even domesticated animals.
Recently there has been a great focus on climate change. However in spite of all the talk and new technologies being put into good use especially to generate power, the overall world wide combined use of carbon based fuels is not declining and hence our battle against climate change is not successful. One reason for this is that the planet's overall population is growing and the consumption of everyone is rising.
Climate change is one of the factors that affects the diversity of species. In the face of the loosing battle against climate change we desperately need a Plan B or at least some additional alternative measures to protect biodiversity. That is our topic.
There are other organizations out there that are doing a good job, some battles are being won but the war against biodiversity loss is being lost. We want to change that.
Our grand plan
to demonstrate to politicians that people want real results and
to work with other organizations and scientists to tackle biodiversity loss head on.
You can help us make our vision come true by spreading the word. That is by sharing our link and encouraging people to express their support by joining (even if that is all they do) and/or by volunteering and/or donating.
You can support our great cause by joining, spreading the word, by donating, formally volunteering, helping with various tasks (including translations) or participating in our discussions, brainstorming sessions and Think Tank events, online or at our inspiration retreats in the Swiss mountains or Iceland. Most people can participate and contribute to our community in one form or another. Check out our Biodiversity Extinction page, our Overview page and last but not least our About page which tells you why we got involved. Please contact us for further information.